If it is not just you, go to everyone is having this problem. If any of these solutions help, go to it only happens to me. Wait or check for an extension update if you have not already. Sets the left side colour of the embed (SUCCESS - green, UNSTABLE - yellow, FAILURE - red, ABORTED - grey).ĭiscordSend description: "Jenkins Pipeline Build", footer: "Footer Text", link: env.BUILD_URL, result: currentBuild.An extension update may fix your issue.The description of the message (the main chunk of text), can be markdown formatted, Markdown Text 101 (Chat Formatting: Bold, Italic, Underline).If set, the image under the URL shows up under discord message.If set, the title becomes a link to this URL.

The URL of the webhook (pretty self-explanatory) provided by Discord.The only required parameter is webhookURL (the URL of the webhook, of course) - but there isn't much point of sending nothing.

Adds the "Jenkins version, Discord Webhook version" text in the footer of the messageĭiscord Notifier supports Jenkins Pipeline.Enables the listing of the artifacts generated by the build.Requires the URL to be set in Jenkin's global configuration Enables the title, build summary and build id to be linked to the build.If set, the image under the URL shows up on the right side of Discord message.