Online searchable PDF Individual PDF HardcopyĢ016 Publications Programs and Services Table of Contents Exploration and Production – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – IHS is your trusted source for efficient standards management including standards and specifications from API, available in hardcopy, online PDF, or enterprise access. Automatic alerts to updates and revisions help you remove the information gaps that can plague operations. IHS is your source for all the latest API standards and keeps you current with revisions and new standards and publications. Historic and current worldwide petroleum activities.With API Statistical Data, users can gain knowledge about: Great Data Enables Great Decisions API Statistical Data is your distinct advantage when you need to access timely, accurate, and in-depth oil and natural gas information to analyze trends and make effective decisions. Mahon Director, Global Industry Services API

Please direct questions about the catalog to the API Standards department at 20. The publications in the catalog are intended for API members and non-members. Other API publications cataloged here include economic analysis, toxicological test results, opinion research reports, and educational materials that provide basic information about the oil and natural gas industry and how technology is transforming it. API information technology standards cover EDI, ebusiness, telecommunications, and information technology applications for the oil and natural gas industry. API also has publications that cut across industry sectors, covering fire and safety protection and petroleum measurement. In the downstream arena, API publications address marketing and pipeline operations and refinery equipment, including storage tanks, pressure-relieving systems, compressors, turbines, and pumps.

For upstream, API publications cover offshore structures and floating production systems, tubular goods, valves and wellhead equipment, and drilling and production equipment. Each year API distributes more than 300,000 copies of its publications. The 2016 edition lists API standards, recommended practices, equipment specifications, other technical documents, and reports and studies to help the oil and natural gas industry safely, efficiently, and responsibly supply energy to billions of people around the world. Serving the oil and natural gas industry with information API is pleased to present its 2016 publications programs and services catalog.