
Working with separation studio 4
Working with separation studio 4

working with separation studio 4

Simply running a color-wheel test pattern through most color separation plug-ins reveals just how terrible they have been set up and programmed to pull the colors, really it is like some people just make actions and programs without doing any real research or printing.

working with separation studio 4

It is possible to hold good tonal ranges on screens and print a full-color simulated process without any adjustments except for screenmaking and printing - the dot-curve quality control - but you would need a color separation method that actually captures the right gradients of the colors non-destructively so you can reproduce all the blends. It's the major reason why additional colors are used besides the inherent capabilities of halftone screenprinting accuracy, where using additional greys or tints/shades/hues blending gives the ability to not have to try and hold a full tonal range of halftones on each screen. The starting point of any separation should be to accurately capture the blends of the colors either as full-gamut or based on the inks to be used, but there should never be destruction or loss of color gamut right out of the gate.ĩ out of 10 color separation programs are going to produce destructive conversions of your original before you even get started in trying to adjust or tweak anything. Click to expand.By default, without any adjustments, the separations are already inaccurately produced and have flaws.

Working with separation studio 4